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It's Time To Get Our Pride Back

I especially enjoy the Summer months, especially since my wife and bought a house with a beautiful swimming pool seven years ago. This time of year, when I've been really busy, or travelling a lot to see clients, or just need to think, I often grab my favorite float and just float around the pool, mentally solving all the world's problems!!! On the 4th of July we had our kids and grand kids over, and amidst the family fun, food and festivities, we had the chance to reflect on the pride we all need to have in our great country. We may have our problems, but there has never been a country as great as this one, or a country that has helped so many other countries across the world!

Last night in the pool, I was thinking about our banking industry, and the pride we should have in that too. As I work with our client banks and talk to customers across the country, I find that most people don't buy the news media doom and gloom coverage of " the banks", and I find that the vast majority of people still highly respect their banks and bankers. And for good cause. I rarely meet a banker that is not committed to the service and services that help his/her customers and communities! Providing strong financial services has always been a key to our nation's success, and that's not going to change. Take pride in what you do, who you serve, and how much you help people. That's a healthy pride, a pride you've earned!!!!

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