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Banking Moments of Truth, Session 5

Moments of Truth...small things which can have a large impact, positively or negatively. We’ve already overviewed four of them, and today we’ll add a fifth one to our brief discussions.

Someone calls you on the phone, but you’re in a meeting, with a customer, out of the office, or tied up in some way. They leave a number with someone in your office, or on your voicemail, for you to call them back. They don’t know how busy you are, that the bank examiners are in the bank, that tomorrow is Board meeting day...or whatever. They just want you to call them back. He or she may logically realize that you’re busy, but emotionally to the person leaving a call back number, calling them back is the most important thing you have to do today!

So what do you do if the whole day has rushed by and its time to go home and you have a stack of calls to return? You know the answer. Perhaps its a quick call to thank them for calling, and setting up a time for a longer time to talk, or calling and leaving a message that you’ve been tied up all day but that you’ll call them back in the morning. Then making a note to yourself to call them back in the morning....and calling them back the next morning.

I could go on and on, but the message is clear: never leave for the day without at least making an attempt to call back everyone who has left a message for you to call. Will you always be able to do that? Probably not. But openly and honestly trying your best to do that puts you way ahead of most of the competition with this important Moment of Truth.

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