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It's A Time Of Change, A Time For Daily Analysis

With the passage of the Health Care bill, this has been a week of significant change for our country, whether you're pro or con on the health care subject. As bankers, we not only have the challenge of anticipatating how the new law with its many components will personally affect us and our families, we must also study everything we can to evaluate how our customers, and thus our banks, will be affected. Couple that with the uncertainties of changes to our banking fee structures and other inpending changes, and its a bit complicated in the banking industry at this time.

Change. Never comfortable. Always challenging. Maybe we don't get paid " the big bucks " we'd like to get paid to handle change, but addressing change and managing change is why we all get paid. Change is occurring all across our society at a faster pace than ever before. The real question is, will we address it openly, honestly, and consistently, or will we throw up our hands in frustration! As I told one of my young associates recently when she was a bit frustrated, " if it was easy, anybody could do it"!

But...the opportunities we are now facing are as exciting as the challenges we are facing. How will you address them? We hope with optimism, input from associates, personal study and research, and the realization that opportunities abound for those who seek them out!!!

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